Monday, 1 February 2010

One Night in Beyonce (well not really)

You see as I was going home last night a limousine pulled up beside me and the "lady" inside and asked if I needed a lift. I accepted the offer.

As I entered I saw long black legs and heard the devils music... R and or B.

She smiled and offered me drugs. I declined, but accepted the whiskey.

After a while I realised that she looked very familiar and asked her name.
She asked me to call her Miss.Knowles or however its spelt.

ANYWAY, after alot of flirting (FROM HER)she opened her legs and stated "you know Manoug, its the surprises and mysteries in life that keep the spice in my life and my penis leaning to the left..."

Awe struck and I stared at her member for quite some time. It wasnt a particularly impressive member, but it was between the legs of Miss. Knowles.

She leaped upon me, humped my arm and attempted to cock slap me, but I threw her off and jumped out of the moving vehicle and hung out with the Ermington Aborigines for protection.

By Manoug Mouradjallian