Friday, 25 September 2009

From a Pearl, a Pirate and a Beach Yupi to a Beautiful Mermaid

Anita, Anita what can we say
September 9, 1988 what a special day

You were born with chubby cheeks and curly hair
You were so cute it was simply unfair

We became great friends from such a young age,
Even then you had attitude and rage

With your stretchy skin and great, dark tan
Soon every man became a fan

From boyfriends to tears to smiles and laughter,
We were always there for each other

Unless of course she started the trouble,
She seemed so friendly and oh so humble

Little did you know she caused the mess,
But unfortunately she would never confess

You would never expect it from the girl so quiet
Something so small to cause such a riot

Like our mums she always cared for us,
Tweezers and needles, sewing our stockings in class.

Always there with great advice,
So straight forward and so precise

If you ever cant find her you know where she’ll be
Cox’s Road, at Michel’s patisserie

With her take away coffee, even when she’s staying
Decaf, large, foam cup, a drop of hazelnut, “sorry Im so annoying”

Her ability to sing has shocked us all,
She thinks she’s good but she’s awful

It took until 20 to get her L’s,
But that doesn’t stop her screeching and her yells

Go left, go right, she was always wrong,
Making our trip ever so long

But in the end we always got there,
Even if it was just going to her house to smoke argileh


One last story to end this all
Reminiscing about one of Anita’s famous calls

We all know that Anno’s star sign is a Virgo
But she we was little she didn’t understand that so,

She skipped up to her mum as happy as a can be
And said “mummy mummy I’m a virgin look at me!”

Happy 21st Anno, we love you so much

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