Monday, 10 September 2007

Fatal Attraction

Everyone loves (or at least likes) their friends...I mean, afterall you choose them. They are your special selection of people that you have chosen to spend your time with, associate with, share your dreams with, laugh with, fight with and cry with. So then why do we fight with them, why do they annoy us, why do we drift apart, who do we lose touch and why do we make eachother cry? This goes back to my theory on "gifts" (refer to "Lovers and Gifts" (Sept 6) ) whereby you would go to the ends of the Earth for your "true" friends. But how do you know who your gifts and your friends are? For me, its the feeling I receive when I am around certain people. Suddenly, I become wrapped within a certain person, I forget everything that annoys me and everything that angers me and I concentrate on the happiness that the person I am with brings me. I mean yeah, ofcourse, friends make you feel good too, but its the "gifts" that really make a deep impact in your life. Could you say then that you "LOVE" your gifts. Well "love" is a strong word you see, and honestly I dont think I know the difference between "love" and "deep like" so I can't comment on that topic. What I do know is that deep like is a great feeling, but you know what, sometimes when I like someone a lot, when I am in deep like with someone, I get upset.

I know, I know, it sounds odd, but it upsets me because your feelings are YOURS, and to have strong feelings for somebody else, no matter what sex they are upsets me. Sometimes when I like someone alot I have a tendency to put aside my own interests to satisfy the other person. That is what upsets me. Why should someone do that, no matter how much they like someone. Shouldn't they like themselves more? It confuses me to an extent you wouldnt believe.

I once read that "love" is just a chemical reaction of the brain. I heard somewhere else that "love" is nothing but a cultural creation, titilsed by commercial exaggerations, including Valentines Day and the whole romance genre. My analogy is deeper than all that. It is a universal force that pulls and entices someone to you. All of your senses become involved in "loving" a certain person. It is called "ATTARCTION." And attraction doesnt only occur on a physical level, it is a spiritual and mental force that pulls you to somebody else.

I suppose then that that is what you build your friend basis upon-attraction. You are attracted to a certain person and thus want to spend your time with them-that is a friend-the gifts are those who stick around.

So why do we fight with our friends, and why do friendships crumble? Is it because we arent "attracted" to that person anymore? Have we found someone else more attractive? Has the person/people become unattractive? Hmmm, the concept is interesting and applies to everybody in everyday life, although nobody actually knows the answer to it.

More simply, "why do we get over people?"

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