Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Dear Me: A Letter To My Twenty Four Year Old Self

When I was 21 I was introduced to a book titled "Dear Me: A Letter To My Sixteen Year Old Self". This book contained letters that celebrities, sports stars and "high calibre" people have written to themselves at 16 years old - pretty self explanatory from the title. This book changed my life. It changed the way I perceived situations and made me a more positive and enlightened person. I read every letter carefully, word for word, and realised that life is a self fulfilling prophecy. You should never be too worried or distressed about anything because, quiet simply, life goes on. I learnt that You will ALWAYS look back and think "wow, that was so silly and trivial", and my personal favourite "from that situation I have learnt..." You will laugh at what once made you cry.

I wrote one of these letters to myself. In fact, I am certain that I have posted it on this blog site.

Now I am 24 years old and have reached a tough spot in my life. I would not call it a "dead end" because I refuse to turn back - I will persevere. I have completed my degree and still don't know what to do with my career, I ended a relationship after 2.5 years because being with him made me realise what I do not want in a partner. I know that sounds harsh but it I suppose its one of those "learning" experiences.

I want to travel! I want to learn! I want to discover! I want so much! I want it all! I want it now!

I wrote a letter to my 24 year old self. In this letter I am not looking back I am looking in. I am telling myself what I need to hear. I put pen to paper in the hope that the words will grant me inspiration.


"Dear Me: A Letter To My Twenty Four Year Old Self"

Dear Me,

Don't be so sad.

If anyone is not going to treat you right then they are not.worth.it.

You are strong, brave, smart and loyal. Anyone would be more than lucky to have you in their life.

Be strong. Be brave. Know your strength. Exude your strength. Don't let anyone stumble all over your heart. They are not worth it.

Live for yourself and believe that there are so many opportunities out there waiting for you. Thats right, get excited, smile and feel the butterflies in your tummy because it is going to be one hell of a ride.

Yes, you want to be loved, who doesn't? Just make sure they are worthy of your love and devotion in return.


Faith is such a strong word. But you must have faith. Have faith that things happen for a reason. Have faith in the fact that people come into and leave our lives for reasons beyond our control or comprehension - but the reasons are there, and even if you do not completely realise or understand them you just need to have faith that they do exist and that they will always play out for the best.

Have faith in timing. Everything happens precisely at the right time. Come to peace with this. I know it is hard to understand and believe but whatever happens does so because it is meant to at that exact moment.

People will enter and leave your life precisely when they are supposed to. This phenomenon is out of your control. Do not try to keep people in longer than they need to be in your life. Let them go.If they return, then you can be sure they are truly meant to be there.

Have faith in karma. Be the best person you can be, even in the worst situations. Always maintain the best intentions. You will be rewarded. Every experience is a learning curb. Take what you can and be done with the rest. Let it be history. Your history. Whatever.

Be true to yourself!
Value yourself!

These truths will allow karma to taste so sweet that the teeth of whoever bites into you will rot.

Do not worry about the future. Do the best you can TODAY. Do not berate your past. It's the road you took to get here. It may have been bumpy, but you're hear nevertheless.

Let yourself loose control. Let yourself be.

Let it be.
Let it happen.

It won't always go the way you like, and thats okay. Remember you have faith, and faith is what makes it all worth it.

Don't stop laughing.
Let yourself cry.
Feel with your heart.
Think with your head.

Never loose faith.